B53 Buyback Price.xmcd
Wind Farm
Wind Turbine:
Qauntity of Wind Turbines: 40
Capital Cost: $60,000,000
O&M Cost: $1,800,000 per year
Project period: 20 years
(1) 20-year load of $45,000,000 with 7% rate
(2) $15,000,000 Equity Investment (which needs 15% return)
Wind Speed: average 8.5 m/s with Rayleigh pdf
Q: What price of electricity($/kWh)buyback to the grid would make the wind farm project viable?
Annual Payment: A
Principal: P
Capital Recovery Factor: CRF
Annual Cost = A + O&M Cost
LCOE = {Annual Cost} / {Annual Energy Production}
Sensitivity Analysis for differernt CF values
COST1 --- Loan
COST2 --- Investment
Overall Annual Cost: A + Eq+O&M