Design Class: 2009-2010
Dr. Charles Kim
0. About the Course
- Syllabus 1 for Senior Design I
- Syllabus 2 for Senior
Design II
1. Introduction
- Design Process
2. Problem Formulation
- Identifying Needs and Defining
- Design Topics (Briefs)
- Design Requirements
- Example Design Requirements - Example
1 (pdf format, XLS format), Example 2 (pdf format, XLS format),
and Example 3 (pdf format, XLS format)
- **** Visitors to the Class

- Dr. John Trimble of Systems and Computer Sciences
Department discussed about Intel Challenge Design Project
of WiMAX on September 30, 2009.

- Thomas Hickey from Honeywell presented on a low orbiting
lunar satellite and attitude control on September 30,

- Emily Allshouse, the operations manager of Prince
George's county teaching fellows, talked about the
Teaching Fellows program on October 7, 2009
- Project Success
- Teamwork
- Project Proposal

- Dr. John Rowe of Honeywell visited the
class for his presentation on the background of
spacecraft attitude control (Nov 4, 2009)
- Proposal Presentation (Reading Material)
- Proposal Panel
Review: Public Presentation
- November 13, 2009 (1 - 3pm)
at 150 Mackey Building
- * Proposal Presentation Program
- Team WMX (Intel WiMAX Project)
- Presentation File and Proposal

- From left to right: Abeeku Paulos,
Jonathan Charlery, and Cesar Gomes.
- Team LDW (Lane Departure
Warning System Project) - Presentation
File and Proposal

- From left to right: Titilope Ogunlaja,
Lucky Adike, Funmi Oludaiye, and Marlon McKinnie
- Team MGR (San Diego Gas &
Electric Microgrid Project) - Presentation
File and Proposal

- From left to right: Mulegeta Damamo,
D'Angelo Woods, and Christina Cheek
- Team DRP (Tacoma Power Demand
Response Project) - Presentation
File and Proposal

- From left to right: Itotoh Akhigbe and
Marc Inniss
- Team SAT (Honeywell Lunar
Satellite Attitude Project) - Presentation
File and Proposal

- From left to right: Yemi Sonoiki,
Danah Warren, and Tolu Kupoluyi
- Proposal Presentation Judges:
Dr. John Rowe (Honeywell), Peter Ramsumair (Credit
Suisse), and Clarence Bell (FERC)

- From left to right: John Rowe, Peter
Ramsumair, and Clarence Bell.
- Comment and Discussion Time

- Judges share their opinions and make
comments (left), and Marlon McKinnie finds time to chat
with John Rowe after the event.
- The last guest speaking event of the

- Clarence Bell of FERC talked
about Electricity Transmission and Reliability, Blackout,
and FERC's role.
3. Problem
Solving ( "It would appear that genius is not at all a
divine and rare gift, but it is the destiny of everyone who has
not been born a complete idiot" - P. K. Engelmeier, a
Russian engineer)
- Problem Solving
- Progress Reporting
- Guest Speaker: January 27,

- Susan Hudson introduced HBCU
STEM Fellowship Program.
4. Solution Implementation
- Solution Implementation
- Guest Speaker: Vera Hendicks
from Honeywell lectured on the Project Risk Management
(March 10, 2010)

- Guest Speaker: Steve Partyka
from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
of DOE presented on Solar Technologies (March 24, 2010)

- ECE Day: W April
14, 2010 (@ Blackburn Center)
- 20th ECE Day Program
- WiMax team explains its project to
student attendees.

- Luck Adike of LDW team, along with
Tolu, Funmi, and Marlon, answers questions from Steve
Wachira, Raymond Brown, and Deborah Jackson.

- SAT team members (Danah, Yemi, and
Tolu) poses after their heavy schedule is finally over.

- MGR team (Mulegeta Damamo, D'Angelo
Woods, and Christina Cheek) listens to Deborah Jackson's

- DRP team (Itotoh Akhgibe, Marc Inniss,
and Lloyd Eley) exchanges ideas with Dr. John Anderson
and Mr. Clarence Bell

- Mr. Thomas Hickey, the guest speaker
of the event, entertained the audience with anecdotes,
encouraged the students to become the 21st century
- Group Photo
(Sorry for low quality)

- The WiMax team ( Jonathan, Charlery,
Brandon Montgomery, and Cesar Gomes) of the senior design class
participated from 2009 for the 2010 Intel Design Design Challenge
competition, for WiMAX testing methodology to advance students
knowledge of WiMAX and IEEE 802.16. The team won the competition and won
$10,000 prize from Intel corporation. The event and the prize check delivery
ceremony are respectively featured in the following web sites:
Howard University NewsRoom 2010 and
BackEngineer Magazine.

- WiMax team's presentation in the Intel
Design Challenge event (April 29, 2010)

- They won the challenge and received
$10,000 award.
IEEE Standard Education Mini-Grant:
The above design team, separately, applied for the IEEE
Standards Education Committee awarded a mini-grant, and got a grant with
$500 prize, and the team's final report on Design and Implementation of
Field Surveys of WiMAX performance indicators in an Urban Terrain is posted
in the following IEEE Web-site:
IEEE Standards Education Mini-Grant. Check also the
Application Page
5. Forms/Samples/Templates
- Final Report Format and Example Report
- Design Requirement Form
- Team Evaluation Form
- Peer Evaluation Form
- Meeting
Agenda Sample
- Meeting Minute Sample
- Team Contract in WORD
and PDF formats
- Proposal Template
6. Other Senior Design
Classes (2007-2008,
2008-2009, 2010-2011,
2011-2012, and 2012-2013)